Advertise Through GiveLo


You want to offer your customers the opportunity to send “eGift-Certificates” online?

We have the following plans:

  1. Essential
  2. Preferred
  3. Ultimate

The three plans include a dashboard that gives you full control of the eGift-Certificates sold and more.

Select your plan and Become a Member HERE!

Traditional Advertising

Banners run on all pages of the website, in rotation. We offer two sizes of website ad banners:

Big Box 300 x 250 3 months 6 months 1 year
Lead Board 728 x 90 3 months 6 month 1 year

If you’d like to advertise your local business or non-profit on GiveLo, or if you need an ad designed, customized or resized, send email to: support@givelo.ca.

Please pay here securely using PayPal.

Ad Spaces 2015-2017

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