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Step By Step, Life Can Get Better


Step By Step, Life Can Get Better
YES’ Youth-In-Transition Worker, Kelly was thrilled to hear from a client “You told me just to stay the path and do one thing every day that life would get better – You were right!” This 20 year old man was referred to YES’ Youth-In Transition Program, because his Children’s Aid Society (CAS) social worker was concerned that he might kill himself. He was drinking too much, had lost rights to visit his daughter, and was being evicted.  Kelly worked collaboratively with him on a step by step plan including getting connected to addictions supports at Fourcast, medication, food and a safer place to live. Just months later, he has stopped drinking, is able to see his daughter, and has enrolled in school in September to learn a trade. Youth aged 16-24 with current or prior involvement with the Children’s Aid Society can receive support from this program. Email or phone 705-917-3020 (text ok).

YES-Shelter fro Youth & Families

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