B!KE 10 Years Anniversary!


10 Great gears Years!

We know many of you are saying “Wow! Ten years!” well, time flies when you’re having fun. It was September 2006 when Sarah Follett first opened the Sadleir House garage, put out a sign reading “B!KE”, and began to teach bicycle repair and maintenance. Excellent volunteer, staff, and community support have brought us here and now, to a day when B!KE is thriving non-proft downtown bikeshop dedicated to teaching bike repair with a Do-It-Yourself philosophy.

We hope you can join us in celebrating this milestone! There are lots of ways you can do so. Join us for a Reception with Sarah herself, tell a story about B!KE in our Video Diary, contribute to our fundraiser for a power door operator, or bring a friend who has never been to B!KE before to our Open House. Details on all these little ways to celebrate, are shown in the slides below. We hope you join us in marking the occasion and ask for your fundraising support making our space more accessible.

Anniversary Events:

Join us this weekend to celebrate our anniversary!
Kawartha Land TrustThe Mane Intent