7 Days of Green

7Days of Green




Taking place from June 1 to June 7, 7 Days of Green is a Peterborough City and County wide celebration of our environment. It is a chance to focus on the innovative work being done by local not-for-profits – enhancing our profiles in the community, facilitating new partnerships and attracting greater donor and volunteer support. It’s a time for us to encourage green giving, and tell our green stories (Learn all the details about the series of events of 7 Days of Green).

7Days of Green, an initiative of the Community Foundation of Greater Peterborough and local green partners, aims to increase Peterborough’s creative dialogue about local green initiatives while building awareness around green living and giving.

Have you ever thought you’d like to do something to improve the environment but weren’t sure where to start? Be a part of the solution – Give Green and help local not-for-profits make Peterborough an even better place to live, work and play. The organizations below need donations from people like you who want to make a difference. Giving to these groups means that your donations stay in the community.

The following are Partners in Green:


The OFAH Mario Cortelucci Hunting & Fishing Heritage Centre

Transition Town

The Canadian Canoe Museum


BigBox Filler 1Public Energy